I am an independent scholar, whose research interests include the Talmudic era, medieval Kabbalah, digital humanities, and linguistics. I have a Master's degree in Medieval Jewish History from Yeshiva University, and spent a year studying in the Talmud Department in Bar-Ilan University. In addition to blogging here, I am a frequent contributor to The Seforim Blog.

Email me at ezrabrand@gmail.com.

Other places you can find my work:

https://yeshiva.academia.edu/EzraBrand (academic papers)


https://www.youtube.com/@ezrabrand (speeches and generative AI videos)




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Independent scholar | Research interests include the Talmudic era, medieval Kabbalah, digital humanities, and linguistics


Independent scholar | Research interests include the Talmudic era, medieval Kabbalah, linguistics, and digital humanities