Cataloguing My Blogposts: An Organized Breakdown by Theme - v1
Broadly categorized under Technology and Tradition, Jewish Society and Beliefs, and Talmudic Studies
Updated here: “Cataloguing My Blogposts: An Organized Breakdown by Theme” (July 28, 2023)
This blogpost offers an overview of the range of topics covered in my preceding blog posts, serving as a guide for readers.
The principal subjects in these posts can be broadly categorized under Technology and Tradition, Jewish Society and Beliefs, and Talmudic Studies.
Under Technology and Tradition, I delved into the intersections of artificial intelligence with Pesak, the role of automation in transcribing and arranging rabbinic works, as well as an exhaustive guide and critical reviews on the digital resources available for studying these works.
The exploration of Jewish Society and Beliefs extends to scrutinizing the tenets and characteristics of the contemporary Ultra-Orthodox society and traditional Jewish beliefs.
For Talmudic Studies, particular focus has been bestowed upon the significance and context of names within the Talmud, along with other pertinent themes.
The remaining posts encapsulate a variety of themes, such as the examination of contemporary English names derived from Biblical or Greco-Roman roots, as well as a personal journey into my family history and genealogy.
I hope that you find them to be as enlightening and rewarding as I found them to write!
Technology and Tradition
AI and pesak
Adventures in ChatGPT-4 and Pesak: A Confluence of Technology and Tradition ; The Intersection of Halacha and Artificial Intelligence - Pt#2 ; Can Artificial Intelligence Pasken? - Pt.3 - by Ezra Brand ; AI Self-Reflection: ChatGPT4’s Stance on Assuming the Role of a Rov
Automation and digital layouts of rabbinic works
Just published: My article in the Seforim Blog on digital layouts of the Talmud - and on the possibility of an AI chavruta ; Scripting the Talmud: Automated Talmudic Text Extraction and Formatting ; Scripting the Talmud Part#2: Automated Rashi Text Extraction and digital layout of tzurat daf
Guide and reviews of digital resources for rabbinic works
Guide to Online Resources for Scholarly Jewish Study and Research - 2023 ; Dicta Tools versus ChatGPT4 in Halachic Text Analysis ; Announcement: My upcoming presentation: "An Overview of Digital Resources for the Scholarly Study of Rabbinic Texts". ; Evaluating Al-Hatorah's Digital Repository: Exploring Its Excellent Tanakh and Talmud Commentaries, and More
A Prospectus for a Large Language Model (LLM) to Facilitate Researching Rabbinic Onomastics
Jewish society and beliefs
Contemporary Ultra-Orthodox society and beliefs
Yeshivish Dialect in the Landscape of Generative Artificial Intelligence ; Faith in Flux: Voices from the Fringes of Ultra-Orthodox Judaism ; R' Yoel Teitelbaum: Reviewing his Biography, Beliefs, and Controversies ; Beyond Miracles and Divine Intervention: Unraveling the Practical Strategies of Apartment Ownership Among Israeli Chareidim ; Ultra-Orthodox Tensions: The Sefaria “Controversy” and the Struggle Between Tradition and Modernity
Traditional Jewish beliefs
Orthodox Judaism, Religious Coercion, and Halacha ; Is There Pesak for Belief in Orthodox Judaism? ; Scripture and Structure: The Definition of "Torah" and Taxonomies of Traditional Jewish Literature
Names in the Talmud
From Abba to Zebedee: A Comprehensive Survey of Naming Conventions in Hebrew and Jewish Aramaic in Late Antiquity ; “Appropriate Names”: The Interplay of Aptronyms, Pseudonyms, and Epithets in the Talmud
Other Tamud topics
Waves from the West: Uncovering some Greco-Roman Undercurrents in the Sea of Talmud ; Symbols and Syntax: Punctuation and Nikud in the Talmud
Contemporary English names with Biblical or Greco-Roman roots
A Century of US Names, Pt 1: Male Monikers with Hebrew Bible, Greco-Roman, and Germanic Roots ; A Century of US Names, Pt 2, Naming Dames: Female Names with Hebrew Bible, Greco-Roman, and Germanic Roots
My family history, genealogy, and family tree
Remember the Days of Old: My Family History Research ; Genealogy Documents ; Pilgrimage to the Past: The Yeshiva University Family Discovery Club Visits Ellis Island - 2014
Releasing the Pressure: A Dive into Freud's Hydraulic Model of the Mind
Maimonides' Omissions: Explaining Exclusions from Mishneh Torah
that's quite a body of work! looking forward to catching up wiith the posts i missed, and posts to come. thanks for making it easier for your readers.