For a full bibliography of my academic papers, by category, see this entry at my page (registration required).
This blogpost is an update of “Cataloguing My Blogposts: An Organized Breakdown by Theme - v1” (Jun 15, 2023). See also: Archive - Talmud & Tech; Sitemap - 2023 -Talmud & Tech
Index of Talmud Content
(Posted also at my page: “Personal Blog Index: December 2023 to December 2024“.)
Jewish Studies - especially Talmud and Digital Humanities
Talmudic Studies and Interpretation
Studies, interpretations, or insights related to Talmudic texts, figures, or practices:
"Talmudic Stories Relating to the Destruction of the Second Temple"
"Pt.2 of Sacred Subterfuge: Stories of Deception in the Talmud"
"Waves from the West: Uncovering some Greco-Roman Undercurrents in the Sea of Talmud"
Naming, Onomastics, and Biography in the Talmud
Posts discussing the study of names (onomastics):
"On the historical accuracy of Talmudic biographical details and stories"
"Some Non-Jewish Historical Proper Names Mentioned by Name in the Talmud"
"“Appropriate Names”: The Interplay of Aptronyms, Pseudonyms, and Epithets in the Talmud"
"A Prospectus for a Large Language Model (LLM) to Facilitate Researching Rabbinic Onomastics"
"A Century of US Names, Pt 1: Male Monikers with Hebrew Bible, Greco-Roman, and Germanic Roots"
Digital Layout of the Talmud and other Rabbinic Texts
"Scripting the Talmud Part#2: Automated Rashi Text Extraction and digital layout of tzurat daf"
"Scripting the Talmud: Automated Talmudic Text Extraction and Formatting"
Digital Resources for Jewish Studies
Posts discussing various digital resources for scholarly study of Jewish texts and topics:
Guide to Online Resources for Scholarly Jewish Study and Research - 2023
Workshop: Editions of Classical Jewish Literature in the Digital Era
Selected recap from the 3-day workshop, “Editions of Classical Jewish Literature in the Digital Era”
Medieval Jewish Literature
Jewish Studies General - Book Reviews, Conferences, Taxonomy
“Jewish Studies books on Amazon Kindle: A Discussion and Recommended Titles”
I'm going to European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS) annual conference in Frankfurt
Modern Jewish Culture, Halacha, and Apologetics
Study of Modern Jewish Culture and Literature
Posts that explore Modern Jewish culture, identity, and literature from various perspectives:
Notes on some Literary forgeries of Jewish works in the Late Modern Period (1756-1965)
Notes on controversies, polemics and bans in Modern Jewish history
The Satmar Rebbe, R' Yoel Teitelbaum: Reviewing his Biography, Beliefs, and Controversies
Faith in Flux: Voices from the Fringes of Ultra-Orthodox Judaism
Yeshivish Dialect in the Landscape of Generative Artificial Intelligence
Speaking During Sacred Silences: Interjections between Netilat Yadayim and Hamotzi
Halacha and Artificial Intelligence
AI Self-Reflection: ChatGPT4’s Stance on Assuming the Role of a Rov
The Intersection of Halacha and Artificial Intelligence - Pt#2
Adventures in ChatGPT-4 and Pesak: A Confluence of Technology and Tradition
Religious Philosophy and Apologetics
Posts that discuss or critique religious arguments, beliefs, or practices:
The Kuzari Argument: A central claim in Ultra-Orthodox Apologetics
Ultra-Orthodox Apologetics: Some Notes on R’ Ahron Lopianski’s Lecture Series “Da Ma Shetashiv”
Ultra-Orthodox Tensions: The Sefaria Controversy and the Struggle Between Tradition and Modernity
General - Not Jewish Studies
Artificial Intelligence - General
Personal - About Me
Technology and Lifestyle
Posts discussing aspects of technology and lifestyle:
Recommended books - General
Personal Genealogy and Family History
Posts delving into my family history and genealogical research:
Very helpful summary -- and really impressive body of work!